Musestre village
The village is located about 7 km south of Roncade, on the left bank of the river of the same name and at its mouth in the Sile. The territory is protected as part of the Sile River Regional Natural Park. It has a very rich history of which testimonies remain. Musestre is the oldest settlement in the area, thanks to its proximity to Altino, which is only 4 Roman miles away. Here a Roman castrum was probably built to defend Altinum itself. Subsequently a medieval castle was built, later destroyed, of which only the "Eberardo tower" remains today. For this reason Musestre, during the Roman and later Medieval period became a large commercial center and communication hub and experienced a period of great development and wealth, thanks to the trade that was carried out along the busy imperial roads. Precisely because of trade and the ever-increasing Roman expansion in the territories surrounding the Alps, the need was felt to build an efficient road network capable of connecting the capital with the most remote areas of the Empire. The two roads passing through the Musestrino area were via Claudia Augusta Altinate and via Annia. The first, built in 15 BC. by general Drusus, had the task of transporting resources to the territories of the newly conquered Transalpine Gaul, while the second, most likely traced in the second century BC. it connected (even if the route is not well known) the city of Patavium (Padua) with the important center of Aquileia. Today Musestre is a cute small village with its characteristic center, where little of the old commercial glories remains.